Making waves in the mountains
The objective of the Vermont Swim Association shall be the promotion and furtherance of the sport of swimming in the state of Vermont in all aspects...
VSA Officers:
President: Nicole Goswami (BENN)
Vice President: Jacsen Callanan (WIN)
Treasurer: Hilary Stanton-Geddes (BTC)
Secretary: Susan Carey (QST)
VSA Competition Committee:
Chair: Jacsen Callanan
Jeremy Bradley (STS)
Rick Matthews (CRVS)
Pedr Seymour (BST)
Hilary Stanton-Geddes (BTC)
Jessica Workman
VSA Scholarship Committee:
Chair: Susan Carey (QST)
Chris Delmas (MMST)
Nicole Goswami (BENN)
Kim Jackson (WST)
Martha Kenfield (VST)
Alexa Manning (UVR)
Hilary Stanton-Geddes (BTC)
VSA Documents
Bylaws (updated September 2021)
VSA Teams
Burlington Country Club - BCC
Burlington Tennis Club - BTC
EDGE Swim Club - EDGE
Middlebury Swim Team - MIDD
St. Albans Swim Team - STA
Town of Essex Swim Team - TEST
Vergennes Swim Team - VST
Winooski Swim Team - WIN
Montpelier Marlins Swim Team - MMST
Stowe Swimmers - STS
Waterbury Rapids - WAT
Bennington Marauders - BENN
Brattleboro Swim Team - BST
Conn. River Valley Springfield - CRVS
Killington Swim Team - KSST
Manchester Tritons - TRI
Quechee Swim Team - QST
Rockingham Swim Team - ROCK
Rutland Swim Team - RUT
Upper Valley Aquatic Center (UVAC)
Upper Valley Rapids- UVR
Woodstock Swim Team - WST